Well I have to start, my blog looks very ugly.
My name is Daniela Paz, I´m 18 years old.
I live in Santiago de Chile, with my mother, one brother, one sister and my cat, called Toulouse like the little kitten Toulouse from The Aristocats, the Disney´s movie, not like the city or the soccer french team.
I lived in this city all my life, and I think it´s impossible to me live in another city, because I love it!
I came from Pablo de Tarso´s school.
This was my school for 4 years, because I study in 2 schools before: Ciudadela Montessori´s school and Santa Úrsula´s school.
That were good experience for me, I met a lot of people, I made so many friends and I could grow up in those places
About my likes:
I love go to cinema. My favorite movie is The Phantom of the Opera (2004), because I love music films, like Mouling Rouge or Happy Feet. I love too Disney´s movies (That´s why I called my cat Toulouse). But I like to suspense movies, like Saw movies or M. Night Shyamalan movies too. And I love epic and magic movies like The Lord of the Rings, Stardust, Narnia Chronicles and so many more.
I like so much music too.
I listen to ALL kinds of music.
I love Mozart, and Tchaikowski, but I like pop, rock, metal and many music kinds more.
I like drawing and painting.
I don´t do very well but I do the best I can.
You can visit http://danitasp.deviantart.com to see my drawings.
I love reading.
I like Hispanoamerican writters, and my favorite is Juan Rulfo, from Mexico.
My favorites books are: Narnia Chronicles, El llano en llamas, Decameron, Thousand and one nights, and so many more but I can´t remember all the names right now :P.
Well it´s time to go.
See ya!