Music represents for me: the most beautiful way to express feelings, the things that represent you and your own history, your life experiences, and all the things that you like. In other words, music shows places, histories, feelings, emotions…It’s a great form to express with poetry and sounds.
I listen to so many kinds of music: pop, rock, classical, and so much more, because the great majority of kind of music have their own essence, a special way to express what they want to show.
I get my music by internet or taking music of my mp3 friends, because I don’t always like all the music of one group or singer, I just want one or two songs, and I don’t have the money to buy the cd’s. I like very much mp3 or mp4 (but my favorite it’s Ipod) to listen de music, because you can stay with music the most part of the day, for the easy way that you can transport them.
I think I don’t follow any group or singers, but I like so much Michelle Branch (The Wreckers too), Vanessa Carlton and Backstreet Boys, I have all of their cd’s.
I listen the same music all the time, maybe I change it when I have to study very very hard and concentrate, then I listen to classical music, specially Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and Tchaikovsky. I think when I have very strong emotions I adapted the music that I listen to, but that not passed all the time.
I think music fills my life, because I can’t live without music, its an accompaniment, my way to relieve, to be in peace with myself the most part of time, I need to heard sounds all the time.
I'm totally agree with you about than music is the most wonderful way to express our self... and is not an expensive gift, don't you think? =D
See you!
I know about your music xd
I love your " caso cerrado" song xDDD
see u
I like Backstreet Boys and a few songs of Michelle Branch too =)!.
And I agree with you... music it's the best way to express feelings, when you're sad, happy, in loved or anything, you can always find a song that fits what you're feeling.
see ya! xoxo.
I love classical music too, in fact, I am professionally deditated to it, specially I like vocal music. I have a cousin that is very great Backstreet Boys's follower. When they came to Chile the last time, she could take some photos with them. She created a web page and make several activities with her funs club group. Her name is Alexandra Arriagada.
A big hug,
Hello DaNy I listen pop and rock but no classical music. I like BOS too. The music represent you life and all emotions than you can feel-
I don’t know how you can study with music, I can not concentrate!!!
See you soon.
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